Pax8 Academy
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Expert training and coaching designed to help you lead the way.
From On-Demand and live Training to collaborative Groups and personalised Coaching, Pax8 Academy is your go-to resource created just for our community.
9,000+ Partners have engaged with Pax8 Academy
500+ pieces of on-demand content
100+ interactive e-learning courses
110% growth in cloud revenue*
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Vendor Solutions
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Learn It. Apply It. Lead the Way.
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- Create a 90-day roadmap
- Confidently break through barriers
“The vendors, facilitators, Pax8, and everyone involved do an amazing job. The information is relevant, the schedule is busy but not too packed, and the vendors were amiable and knew their products. It is, overall, an awesome experience.”
Chase Mangham,
Thank you. A Pax8 cloud expert will be in touch soon.
*According to Pax8, 2022, “Peer Group GMRR.”