Pax8 trust

Fostering lasting business relationships

Learn more about our approach to security, compliance and privacy.
Find everything you need to conduct your security due diligence.

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Corporate security

Security operations provides detection and remediation of technical security risks in the Pax8 corporate environment.

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Platform security

Our platform security program gives partners peace of mind when using our Marketplace.

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Governance, risk, and compliance

Our GRC function is responsible for governing organizational security and managing security risk.

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Our privacy program values and protects the sensitive data of individuals and our customers.

Robb Reck
“At Pax8, we’re committed to being your trusted partner by dealing with you transparently, consistently and proactively. As Chief Trust and Security Officer, it’s my job to make sure we build programs that protect your data and IT systems and that we provide you with the assurance of those programs.”

Robb Reck, Pax8 Chief Trust and Security Officer

“At Pax8, protecting your data is our top priority. Our mission is to build responsible systems and processes by design, ensuring they are ethical and trustworthy. We’re always working to improve our practices and ensure your data is secure.”

Michelle Coreia, Pax8 VP of Legal, EMEA, Data Protection Officer

Michelle Correia
Secure by Design
Secure by Design

We’re dedicated to giving partners and vendors peace of mind when using the Pax8 Marketplace. By signing the CISA Secure by Design pledge, we’ve strengthened our commitment to integrating robust security practices and protocols across all aspects of our business. This pledge ensures that security is a top priority throughout our development and operational processes, offering enhanced protection and reliability for everyone who uses our platform.

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Marketplace Security Risk and Anti-Fraud Monitoring

The Risk and Anti-Fraud function mitigates risks in the Marketplace related to Pax8 partners and how they use vendor products. We have built and deployed monitoring features that flag potential Marketplace fraud issues in real-time in an effort to lessen the likelihood of an attack escalating severely before detection.

Trust is a two-way street

Pax8 partners

If you are a partner and find a problem in the Marketplace, please reach out to Pax8 tech support.

Security researchers

If you are a security researcher and find a potential vulnerability, please disclose it to us.

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