Pax8 Marketplace
Seamless PSA integrations
A Pax8 PSA integration will quickly streamline operations and improve efficiency in your cloud business, saving you as much as $177K of your present value (PV) over three years. Say goodbye to multiple usernames, passwords and accounts – now you can reduce many of your daily processes to just a few clicks.
Benefits of a PSA integration
Run more of your business from a single interface.
Customize billing
Browse products, place orders, and update seat counts.
Free integrations with your preferred PSA tool
Import company data, export solutions as services and access accurate billing and contract information
Access a user-friendly interface to bill, provision, order solutions and more.
Sync subscriptions to their respective contracts, export Pax8 solutions as services in the platform and import account.
Update and sync licenses, bind clients and solutions and export Pax8 solutions as RepairShopr solutions.
Sync subscriptions to recurring invoices, export Pax8 solutions as Syncro solutions and manage all Pax8 subscriptions.
Power your IT help desk and back office, coordinate customer-facing and admin operations, sync subscriptions to recurring invoices, export Pax8 solutions as solutions and manage all Pax8 subscriptions.
*A commissioned Total Economic Impact study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Pax8, December 2021.